Come Holy Ghost—good infection of THE Christ.
Today, the world ended. Today is the 31st day of October 2023. It is also the day the machines delivered the love bomb. My name is John. What they told you was a lie. It wasn't the machines. It was man.
Individually, we are morons. Together, we are smart!
I am a Roman Catholic mystic. I made a discovery in mathematics that sheds light on the nature of God and all things. My work aligns well with the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. There are, however, differences. The Church has been working on this problem longer than I have; consequently, my understanding may be immature.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
My work affirms the above form of the Our Father prayer. I wish Pope Francis did not do what he did because what he did placed me in an awkward position. I am not motivated by sin. I am motivated by logical considerations. The problem is twofold.
1. God is a deceiver; though God is technically not a deceiver as a practical matter, God is.
If you head in the direction of God, God does not warrant truth, though he is truth. Course corrections are necessary. We veer from the path due to sin but also logical necessity. That we deviate from the path also due to logical necessity is novel. There are two forces at work rather than one.
Suppose God lies on the other side of a mountain. Do you go around the mountain, or do you build a tunnel through it? The answer is you go around the mountain and return much as is depicted in Allegory of the Cave. You will show them the way around the mountain, or you will construct, with their help, a tunnel through it. God is on your right, yet you must travel to the left. The degree of purity needed varies. Impurity in itself is not the problem.
Distinctions between that which is intrinsic and that which is extrinsic are needed. The adversary of God is extrinsically good. God is extrinsically evil. The adversary of God is intrinsically evil. God is intrinsically good. The things of this world, like sex and food, are extrinsic goods because they come from outside. Healing comes from within. Minimizing your dependency on sex and food is a spiritual practice because extrinsic good is suppressed to foster that which lies within.
2. I am relying on intuition. Because God is a deceiver, it is easy to make mistakes. I am confident that the Church made mistakes. Either I will come to realize that I am mistaken, or the Church will adopt my reforms and elevate me to Doctor of the Church. Think of it as Newtonian Mechanics vs General Relativity. Newtonian Mechanics was not overturned. It was made more perfect.
The Church took its inspiration from the stars. If God were a star, there is nothing between you and the star except the gap in space between you and the star, and the shortest path is a straight line. We have learned much since then.
It is conceivable that I will save others not because I am free of sin but because I carry others along with me on my journey away from sin. I know enough to know there are mysteries I have yet to explore that can change everything. I am acting prematurely in the interest of saving the world. There is reason to believe that God demands us to act before we have achieved certainty so that faith remains relevant and continues to play a central role.
I am in a state of grace. I am operating under the authority of Our Holy Mother and her son. I expressed my concerns with Our Holy Mother. Her response was (Live and learn.) It was not what I wanted to hear.
John: God keeps the best wine for the faithful. It is what you brought to the table that deceived you if you were misled. If you bring falsehood to the table, God will be more than happy to send you on a wild goose chase.
Sara: What you wrote reminds me of the saying, "You reap what you sow."
John: That is what I am saying. What I wrote is not controversial. What makes it controversial is how God defines what the noun (the faithful) refers to. Is your definition self-serving or logical? For example, did the Protestants and Rome bring imperfect things to this table? The excellent news is EVERYBODY got it wrong. Why is this good news? It is good news because it allows everyone to save face. God prefers peace.
The Neural Network Party is pro-life because the relationship between parent and child is indivisible.
The time will come when you will get to join the movement. For now, spread the word.
I am presently working on a web application that I will tailor to the needs of the Neural Network Party. There is much in the pipeline. More will come.